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当朋友时该去哪里 & 留学期间的探亲

by 丽迪雅Stueber
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A 宝博体育 student and two other people smiling at the camera

当朋友时该去哪里 and 留学期间的探亲 in 弗洛伦斯, 意大利     

我知道我想这么做 宝博体育 我的一生! 上大学之前,我从未离开过美国. 有很多东西要看, 探索, 找到, and LEARN out in the world and I wanted (and still want) to see as much as I can, 所以我才选择这么做 佛罗伦萨留学 这学期!  

A 宝博体育 student with a friend standing on a street and smiling at the camera

My friend Ben from my university in the US visited me in 弗洛伦斯. 

 然而,我的很大一部分 身份 is the love and support of my family and my closest friends! I’ve always been quiet, independent, and serious, and 交朋友 这对我来说并不容易. My friends are so dear to me and have been with me through so much! My parents have also been so encouraging of my dreams to 旅行 and 宝博体育.

Two 宝博体育 students standing at a cafe counter

  Visiting coffee shops and cafes in 阿姆斯特丹 with friends! 

Two 宝博体育 students walking down a road toward a large mountain

Walking with new friends in Interlaken, Switzerland, on a weekend trip. 

I met Bella, my best friend in the whole world, at a job lifeguarding at my university in Utah. 我就无法完成工作(因此), saving up for 宝博体育) or life in general without her, 我每天都想念她! She is a big p艺术 of my 身份 because she pushes me every day to work harder, 研究, 学习, 旅行, 找到快乐!  

We were able to go to Greece together when she came to 弗洛伦斯 as well, further allowing me to 探索 my passions of 旅行, 艺术, 还有和一个对我很重要的人的过去. Bella and another friend (also pictured) Ben both came to visit me and getting the chance to 旅行, 探索, and show them around a city that has become a p艺术 of me was amazing.  

Two 宝博体育 students taking a selfie and giving thumbs up gestures to the camera

Bella, my best friend in the whole world, visiting me; on our way to Greece! 

My parents also saved for a long time to come to visit me in 弗洛伦斯 and we went around the city, 我带他们去了我最喜欢的三明治店, 博物馆, 我们爬上了大教堂, 还有更多.  

A 宝博体育 student and two other people smiling at the camera

My mom, me, and the wine tour leader in Tuscany when my parents came to visit.  

Two people sitting at a table and smiling at the camera

Taking my parents to Gustapizza on their visit to 弗洛伦斯. 

However, as I mentioned, 交朋友 was always hard for me. St艺术ing in a new country, school, or continent, was scary, but it has pushed me so much! 我在学校交了新朋友, but also on trips such as in 爱尔兰 where I made a lifelong friend in Laura, who wasn’t even a person in my program but someone that I met outside of it.  

A 宝博体育 student facing away from the camera looking toward large cliffs

Realizing a dream: seeing the Cliffs of Moher in 爱尔兰 (taken by a new friend, Laura!) 

A 宝博体育 student smiling at the camera in front of a large set of gates

Visiting Buckingham Palace in 伦敦 for Spring Break (also with Laura). 

Studying abroad transformed my 身份 from an individual who dreamed of 旅行ing and 学习ing to a student actively 旅行ing and 研究ing across the world with the ability to share that experience with her family and friends old and new.  

A 宝博体育 student standing high above a lake smiling at the camera

In the mountains of Wicklow, 爱尔兰, again with new friend Laura. 

A 宝博体育 student standing in front of a canal and smiling at the camera

威尼斯的一位新朋友拍的, on the first trip I went on outside of 弗洛伦斯 and made new friends. 


丽迪雅Stueber 内容创作者-摄影师在佛罗伦萨吗, 意大利, 目前在犹他大学学习.
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